

01 February 2015

The New Monégasque Twins

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert with their new twins, pictured on December 24, 2014.

His Highness Prince Albert is the son of Prince Rainier III, Louis Henri-Maxence-Bertrand (31st May 1923 - 6th April 2005) and Princess Grace, née Kelly (Philadelphia, United States, 12th November 1929 - Monaco, 14th September 1982). 

H.S.H. Prince Albert II succeeded his father, Prince Rainier III who died on 6h April 2005.

On 12th July 2005, at the end of the period of official mourning, the Prince's accession to the throne was celebrated.  Since 1984, H.S.H. Prince Albert had assisted his father in conducting the affairs of State.

Charlene Lynette Wittstock was born on 25th January 1978 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa. When she was aged 12, her family emigrated to South Africa.

Before marrying Prince Albert, she was a successful Olympic swimmer.

Miss Wittstock was married to the Prince in a civil ceremony on 1st July 2011 in the Throne Room at the Palace of Monaco. The religious ceremony took place on 2nd July 2011 in the Cour d'Honneur of the Palace of Monaco. She bears the title "HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco" along with all the historical titles vested to the Prince, in the feminine.

Other royal twins to note: Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine of Denmark, born January 8, 2011; and Prince Alexander and Prince Philip of Yugoslavia, born 15 January 1982.

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