

01 July 2014

New feature...Giveaways!

I have lots of royalty postcards and other little royal nick-knacks that I've been gifted or I have bought over the years, and I thought it would be fun to have giveaways on this blog, since all of you are also royalty obsessed like me!

The first giveaway is a set of 7 postcards that I was given by a Danish woman over 5 years ago. The cards all feature images of paintings by the Danish Queen Margrethe II! She is a very talented painter, and the cards range from landscapes to still lives.

Enter for a chance to win! I will notify the winner by email, upon which I will request a mailing address so that I can ship them out. I am willing to ship internationally, but I am unable to ship to Cuba, North Korea, and a selection of other countries that are not on speaking terms with the US, just because the customs forms are complicated and would make my life confusing!

Also, I would appreciated feedback on how well the entries work, and what else I should give away!

Set of 7 Danish royal postcards.


  1. Giveaways are a good idea! How do we enter? Email with a request to enter the draw? or is there a form to fill out?

    1. There's a PunchTab widget on the Giveaways tab (you must disable flash blockers to see it), where you enter your email address, and then you can earn more entries if you choose to promote the giveaway on social media using the suggestions. Does that help?
