

13 May 2014

The Romanovs

 Well, it's been another whole month without a post! Time does just slip away. Also, I might be more motivated if I made more money from this blog. Remember, if you have ad blockers, disabling on this site gives me revenue from the ads (no need to actually click on ads). Anyways, as evidenced from all the views on any post I do on the Russian Imperial Family, here are some pics of your favorite royals:

Painting of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Photograph of Empress Alexandra. Alexandra was a daughter of the Grand Duke Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt. Her mother, Princess Alice of Great Britain, died when she was only six.

Painting of Empress Alexandra, wearing a magnificent diamond kokoshnik style tiara and lots of pears.

The Empress Alexandra wearing a simple diamond necklace as a headband.

The Empress Alexandra in full court dress, complete with a heavy pearl and diamond tiara.

Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova.

A young Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova.

A very young Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova.

The Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna Romanova, sister to Tsar Nikolai II.

Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov at his wedding to Princess Irina Alexandrovna Romanova, daughter of the Grand Duchess Xenia.

Princess Irina Yusupova on her wedding day. She is wearing a diamond tiara by Chaumet.

The children of Tsar Nikolai II, l-r: Grand Duchess Maria, Grand Duchess Tatyana, Grand Duchess Anastasia, Grand Duchess Olga and Grand Duke/Tsarevich Alexey.