

18 November 2013

Some British Royals...

Queen Alexandra of Great Britain's three daughters, Princesses Maud, Louise and Victoria. Maud later became the first Queen of independent Norway, and Louise married the Duke of Fife.

Diana Princess of Wales wearing the Cambridge Lover's Knot tiara. I think it is significant that the Queen gave her such a magnificent tiara to wear, even though we all know that the vaults underneath Buckingham Palace house an amazing treasury of gems the family hasn't worn for decades.

Diana wearing the diamond Spencer Family Tiara. Her brother, being the dick that he is, took it back from her when he married his first or second wife, and in photos, you will notice that after 1994 or around there, Diana stopped wearing the Spencer tiara and only wore the Cambridge Lover's Knot. She also turned an emerald and diamond choker, that was an heirloom of Queen Mary's, into a tiara, but she must have died before she ever wore it, since there are no photos of her in it.

Princess Anne of Great Britain. I never have Anne on here! She's a great lady, she does so much charitable work for the kingdom. She is pictured in her grandmother Princess Andrew of Greece's diamond Greek meander tiara, with it's Greek key pattern designs.

Princess Anne on her marriage to Captain Mark Philips. She is wearing the diamond fringe tiara that the Queen wore on her own wedding day.

A portrait painting of Princess Anne, wearing the diamond scroll tiara that Princess William, Duchess of Cambridge, wore on her wedding day.