

30 September 2013

Sophie, Countess of Wessex

 Princess Edward, the Countess of Wessex, doesn't feature much on this blog, but there isn't any reason for it. She seems to stay out of the limelight, or she at least isn't as present in the spotlight as some of the crown princesses. I can assume that it's because she's married to a fourth child, and like so many other monarchies, the younger siblings don't get quite as much attention (we sadly remember Prince Friso of the Netherlands).

Prince Edward and Sophie at the abdication of Queen Beatrix.

Sophie really looks remarkably similar to Princess Diana. She is so beautiful, and still so youthful. So far, Edward is the only of Queen Elizabeth's married children to not have gotten divorced.

Sophie looking amazing in a floor length dress, tiara, and diamond necklace.

Sophie looking radiant in a black and white outfit.

The Earl and Countess of Wessex at the abdication of Queen Beatrix.