

07 March 2013

Queen Alexandra of Great Britain

Queen Alexandra's sister, the Empress Marie Fedorovna of Russia, with her husband, Emperor Alexander III.

Empress Marie Fedorovna wearing a large diamond kokoshnik tiara and rows of diamond collars around her neck.

Queen Alexandra and Empress Marie often dressed the same to amuse themselves when appearing in society.

Queen Alexandra wearing a diamond kokoshnik tiara and rows of diamond and pearl necklaces. She had a scar on her neck from a childhood illness, which was covered in the daytime by high-collared dresses, and disguised in the evening with a large amount of jewels.

Alexandra wearing the small diamond crown of Queen Victoria. 

Alexandra and Dagmar (Empress Marie's name when she was a Danish Princess), dressed identically.

Queen Alexandra wears three diamond bow brooches down the front of her dress, with strands of diamonds hanging from each one.

Alexandra loved animals, and is pictured here with her cockatiel, Cocky, who lived to be 80 years old.

A beautiful painting of Queen Alexandra.

Alexandra with a pet kitten. She was so attached to her pets, that when they died, she had headstones made for them and proper graves at Marlborough House.