

07 September 2011

Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmark

A royal painting of some Danish king and queen. The Queen is wearing a large diamond tiara and beautiful fairy princess dress.

Wrought iron railing inside the palace. The "M" is Queen Margrethe II's monogram.

 I visited the Christiansborg Palace at Slotsholmen in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July of 2011. I paid about $15 to see the reception rooms, as the royal family does not use this palace as a residence, only for entertaining distinguished visitors.

 The video I took inside the palace. It is sooo pretty!

The beautiful guilded door leading into the throne room.

Tapestry on the wall.

The Royal Thrones.

A bust of Queen Louise, consort to Frederik VIII.
Queen Louise, Consort to King Christian IX.

Patining of Queen Alexandra of Great Britain, eldest daughter of King Christian IX
A large oil painting of King Christian IX and his entire family, including grandchildren.

A beautiful frosted glass chandelier inside the tapestry room.

A detail of the ceiling in one of the rooms.

The tapestry room, which houses modern tapestries woven in a rainbow display of colors.

A detail of the one of the modern tapestries, showing many world leaders of the 50's and 60's.

A porcelain vase, which sat atop a cabinet.

The Banquet Room.

The pink room, my favorite!

A detail over the doorway in the pink room.

The pink and gold room, which was my favorite. Every room had a different style of chandelier.

The Royal Library.

Another part of the Royal Library.

The red room!

Ivory carved panels on a wardrobe.

Rooster painted on the wall.

There is a chandelier in every room in the palace.

A detail of one of the ceilings of the palace.

A marble bust of King Christian IX.

I don't think I was allowed to take photos in the palace, but there weren't any signs that said not too. I just hid my camera whenever a guard walked past me!